Just like us humans, your sims have basic needs that you have to fulfill in order for them to become "inspired" (you'll know your sims are inspired once you see green sparkles around your sim and the cupcake icon found just above the needs bar stops flashing) and have the energy to work, perform tasks or hobbies, and to earn more than an "uninspired" sim would. 1. HUNGER To fulfill a preteen, teen and adult sim's hunger, all you have to do is tap on a fridge, a meal cooked by a sim, or a Thanksgiving Banquet (it's a dining table found in the Dining Room tab of the Home Store) and pick from the choices what to give your sim. For an infant and toddler, tap on an adult sim to be fed. 2. BLADDER To empty a sim's bladder, just tap on a toilet and let your sim use it. 3. ENERGY To fulfill energy, let your sim sleep on a bed or sit on a sofa or chair, or have a coffee by tapping on a coffee machine or tea set. 4. HYGIENE To tidy up yo...