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Refined Romance Update

The Sims Freeplay Refined Romance Update which runs for 11 days starting January 29, 2019 brings new unlockable items and events to the game.  

The Sophisticated Socialite Live Event lets you unlock the stylish juice bar, fancy fireplace, and sophisticated outfits as your ultimate prize when you complete the event.  Other new things are mirrored partitions, glossy floors, fashionable fireplaces, and a variety of juice drinks that you can mix.  

New outfits can be unlocked when you complete the Urban Chic Fashion Designer Hobby Event which runs from February 18-23.

The French Romance Live Event, Ice Castle Seasonal Quest, and Long Hair Hobby Event are back for a rerun on February 14, February 27-March 10, and March  3-9 respectively.

Store Layout changes are also included in this update with an overhauled design of the Online Store and a 3D turnaround view of the Home Store. 


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